Survival Prediction and Variable Selection with Simultaneous Shrinkage and Grouping Priors for Gene Expression Microarray Data

Survival Prediction and Variable Selection with Simultaneous Shrinkage and Grouping Priors for Gene Expression Microarray Data

Mar 24, 2014 - 4:15 PM
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Survival Prediction and Variable Selection with Simultaneous Shrinkage and Grouping Priors for Gene Expression Microarray Data


Date: Monday, March 24
Time: 4:10 pm -- 5:00 pm
Place: Snedecor 3105
Speaker: Sounak Chakraborty, Department of Statistics, University of Missouri, Columbia


In this article, we propose Bayesian penalized regression models for high-dimensional survival data.

In the analysis of gene expression data, it is naturally assumed that genes are grouped according to some underlying process. Our proposed framework is motivated by the need of grouped shrinkage estimation to take such consideration into account. Special shrinkage priors correspond to the elastic net, group lasso, and fused lasso penalties are used to incorporate the grouping effect of the gene expression microarray covariates. We adopted Bayesian Cox proportional hazards model where the cumulative baseline hazard function is modeled through a discrete gamma process prior. In the proposed Bayesian approach, the amount of grouped shrinkage are adaptively controlled by estimating tuning parameters via Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling method.

The proposed methodologies are very useful when we want to incorporate the cluster structure of gene expression data into the models. We assess the prediction performance of our Bayesian penalized regression methods using simulations and three different real life high dimensional survival data sets.