Quantifying Recall and Processing Error when Utilizing the Compendium of Physical Activities in Physical Activity Recall Surveys, A Disucssion

Quantifying Recall and Processing Error when Utilizing the Compendium of Physical Activities in Physical Activity Recall Surveys, A Disucssion

Mar 1, 2013 - 12:00 PM
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Quantifying Recall and Processing Error when Utilizing the Compendium of Physical Activities in Physical Activity Recall Surveys, A Disucssion


Date: Friday, March 01
Time: 12:00 pm -- 1:00 pm
Place: Snedecor 2113
Speaker: Dave Osthus and Bryan Stanfill, Department of Statistics, ISU


The Compendium of Physical Activities (Compendium) was developed to link specific physical activities performed in various settings to an associated metabolic equivalent (MET) intensity level. Physical activity recalls (PARs) are commonly used instruments that gather physical activity information on individuals. Oftentimes, PARs and the Compendium are used together; the physical activity information from the PAR is converted into METs via the Compendium, resulting in MET intensities of physical activity for each individual. This process of gathering and converting information is not without error, however. The PAR process is susceptible to cognitive limitation for recalling activity from the past (recall error), while the conversion of physical activity into METs is susceptible to processing error. 

We will discuss our ideas and invite feedback on how to quantify these sources of error using data from the Physical Activity Measurement Survey (PAMS).